Maybe you’ve been meditating for a while, and you’re ready to take your practice to the next level. What can you do to get more out of each session? Consider spending some time thinking about everything in life that you’re grateful for before you start your meditation timer. You could also write down a few intentions or affirmations that you want to reflect on while you meditate.
You may want to consider doing yoga before you meditate. Moving your body beforehand can help you focus your mind when you sit down for a session! Yoga does not have to be physically taxing – a few simple poses will have a positive effect.
Meditating on a regular basis can slowly change your life, which is why Boundless Breath offers this ancient practice as part of our Holistic Occupational Therapy, Complementary & Alternative Medicines, and Pain Management Services. You may not notice the benefits overnight, but as you continue to meditate, you’ll find yourself feeling calmer on a day to day basis. With consistent practice, meditation will become an essential part of your routine, and it can change your perspective on this pandemic.